31 Jan Questions to Ask a Wedding Planner – Part Two
Hey there! I’m back again with part two of my series on questions to ask a wedding planner, and answering three more questions that I frequently get asked.
Have you ever worked with my chosen venue? Sure, experience with a specific venue can be helpful, but it’s definitely not a good enough reason to hire one planner over another. When a bride inquires with me, and I’ve not worked at her venue before, I kind of get a little excited about it. I dust off my “get to know the venue” tools and go to work to get up to speed. This process is usually very helpful to the client also, as I usually learn about policies and/or details they were not aware of and could have been potentially costly to them.
Are we required to book only the vendors you recommend or do we have the freedom to hire someone even if you haven’t worked with them before? While I have an awesome, and I mean awesome, list of vendors that accommodate all types of budgets and personalities, I do not require the use of only my folks. As I stated earlier about being excited to work at a new venue, generally this statement holds true to vendors I have not worked with as well. New and very talented creatives are entering the local scene constantly and I’m all for varying up my events. That doesn’t mean I won’t do my “get to know a vendor” due diligence, though. If my discovery of their services or lack thereof proves to be concerning, I will share that with the client to provide them with the full picture.
Is the wedding day rehearsal included in your services? Definitely, yes… I can’t imagine saying no to this question. Planning and executing an event only works if you put everyone through a rehearsal. Stepping the wedding party through the ceremony and day-of timeline assures that everyone knows what to do, where to go, and how to be prepared. It’s also important to ask your vendors to go through a rehearsal. In the industry, it’s known as a final walk through. This get together includes all vendors involved in any way for the setup and execution of the day. Diagrams and schedules are carefully looked over for any adjustments or changes. Vendors are then able to finalize and prepare their final invoices. These two rehearsals are key to ensuring a smooth wedding day.
Stayed tuned for more Q&A that I’ll be answering in the series. In the meantime, I’m always open for answering something specific you’d like to know. Feel free to comment on this post or shoot me an email to hello@. and I’ll answer you in a future post.
Photo by Jose Martinez on Unsplash