23 Jul Tips on Changing Your Name
Now that you’re newly married and the wedding is over, you can begin a new project: changing your name.
While the wedding solidified you and your spouse’s journey together, the marriage license makes it concrete. Your love is now official! And with that marriage license you can officially change your last name if you wish. OK… I know that can sound daunting, but it’s really not that bad. Besides it’s a thrill to share your new last name with the world! Admit it, you’ve been practicing signing your new name for months now. 😉
First step… gather all of the addresses for places you will need to change your name (see the list below if you need help with specifics). Next, read on for what to do and when.
Start with the Social Security Administration office first. You’ll need a certified copy (the one with the raised seal) of your marriage license as well as your driver’s license. Expect your new card in about two weeks.
Once you have your Social Security card in hand, head to the DMV to get your new license. The cost in Alabama for a replacement license is $31.25. It’s the DMV, so give yourself plenty of time.
Be sure to get a couple of extra certified copies of your marriage license as some agencies or businesses may ask for an original. In Alabama, fees vary from county to county.
Changing your name on your passport takes weeks, even with expedited service. Don’t risk a passport emergency before your honeymoon! Wait until after the wedding and honeymoon to change your name on everything, especially your passport.
Be sure to check, double check, and triple check everything you send in an official capacity. You don’t want mistakes on your Social Security card or passport!
Businesses/Agencies/People to Notify:
- Your bank
- Your credit cards
- Human resources at your work for payroll, insurance, and your new mail
- Your personal email and social media handles
- The post office
- Your doctor’s office
- Voter registration
- Your stationer — get new address labels, note cards, etc. made with your new last name
- Passport office — only after the wedding
- Investment accounts
- Your attorney
- Airlines — to transfer your miles
You might think of other places to change your name, just give yourself time to do it and stay organized. It’s not that difficult, just time-consuming — but the joy of your new name is worth it!
Image: Good Graces Photography