06 Mar Wedding Gift Thank You Notes – Just Do Them!
Writing thank you notes can be a stressful task and when you add the volume usually needed to be written after a wedding, that task can be downright daunting. Apply some of these tips and suggestions to your thank-yous and send them off.
By the time you sign your hundredth card, you probably won’t care if your comments sound redundant, but the person on the receiving end will, so I’ve penned an ideal thank-you as well as provided you with some great options for each portion of your notes below.
Ideally, a thank-you note should be sent within six weeks of the date the gift was received (eight weeks at the most). Any longer and guests will be wondering if you received their gift or not.
Direct the letter to all of the gift-givers (even if you know your husband’s fraternity brother played no part in picking out the monogrammed towels he and his wife sent) with the names or titles you are accustomed to addressing them by.
Always mention the item by name (this means you need to keep detailed records of exactly who sent what). Referring to it as just “the gift” translates to “I really don’t care.”
State how you are using or plan to use the gift. This is especially crucial if the present was a check. You can say you are putting the money toward your wedding album, more china, a new car – anything other than straight into your savings account (even if that’s the truth).
It’s nice to suggest a future encounter with the gift-givers, but only if it’s realistic (otherwise, this sounds insincere). Beware of potentially awkward scenarios: If you invite your boss over to break in the cheese plate he gave you, he might actually show up with the Brie.
Bring up any special effort the guest went through for you (like that heartfelt toast they gave at the reception).
If possible, refer to a specific conversation you had with the guest at the wedding, to show you valued that interaction.
Good Example:
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Waring,
Thank you so much for the beautiful pewter candlesticks you gave us for our wedding. We’ve displayed them on our buffet table and are excited to have you over soon so you can see how lovely they look. Spending time with you at the wedding meant so much to us, and we appreciate your traveling so far to attend. Have a great time in Hawaii – we look forward to seeing the photos!
With love, Sarah
Still not sure what to write? Here’s some cool options from Brides Magazine…
Dear ___________________,
(giver’s name here)
Thank you so much for the __ gorgeous __ stylish __ super-useful __ classic __ unique __ stunning _______________.
(gift item here)
__ It rocks! __ We were thrilled to get it! __ We simply adore it!
________________________ and I cannot wait to __ start using it __ show it off in (fiance / spouse name here) our home __ enjoy it together – we will think of you every time we see it.
Looking forward to __ seeing you __ meeting you __ catching up __ chatting with you __ at the wedding __ after the honeymoon __ at work __ in the neighborhood __ soon __ during the holidays.
__ Love, __ Best, __ Sincerely, __ Cheers! __ Fondly,
(your name)
Additional tips to make writing your notes fun…
Keep together in a nice box, your pens, note cards, envelopes, stamps, addresses and gift list. Staying organized will make the job easier.
Purchase nice pens and note cards. Using cool supplies makes it more fun!
Set a timer and see who can finish the most in 30 minutes. Make sure there’s a prize involved (foot rub maybe?) and of course, penmanship counts!
Notes are more personable and genuine when written by folks we know. So you write the notes for your respective friends and family members.
Reference your fiance or spouse’s name within the message, but write and sign only your name.
One last thing… you MUST hand-write your thank you notes. Texting, tweeting, emailing and Facebook messaging your thank-yous is just not acceptable!