23 Feb Wedding Toss Bouquet Idea
To have or not to have? I have to say I completely understand both sides of the argument when it comes to deciding on having the traditional wedding bouquet toss or not. Most brides love the idea of flinging their bouquet through the air in hopes that the lady they are sure is next in line will catch it, while others cringe at the thought of their sweet demure friends scrambling and shoving each other out of the way over some flowers. In all my experience though, you never know who is going to show up for the lineup… the “no, please, after you” crowd or the “every chick for herself” crowd. I’ve never been able to read the ladies right at the beginning of the night so this is always very entertaining for me to watch.
I recently discovered a cute idea for a different way to do the traditional bouquet toss… the “break apart bouquet”. Instead of having one single bouquet, create several that you can hold at once. When you toss it up, it breaks apart allowing for more than one lady to receive the prized catch. Take it one step further and attach a sweet little message to each one. Do you have any toss bouquet ideas you’d like to share?
Photography credit: Wes Roberts Photography
Location: American Village