16 Mar Calah & Matt | Engagement Photos
I have to say Matt was very clever employing the assistance of Calah’s family to help him with his proposal to his sweetheart. Lots of romance was in the air when they returned home from a date one chilly evening. The recipe… lots of twinkling lights, delivery of his feelings for her, followed up by an on-one-knee question of “will you?” and Calah was his! Check out the bling he put on her finger! To cap the evening off, lots of family and friends had gathered in the house for the after celebration. Yep, nicely done Matt!
Calah and Matt attend school in South Alabama. For their engagement photos, they were lucky to have a friend, who happens to be very talented behind the lens of a camera, take these awesome photos. Love these and I’m really looking forward to their wedding day in late July!