08 May Melissa + Travis | Engagement Photos
Wedding week is finally here for Melissa and Travis and I couldn’t be more excited to send this beautiful woman down the aisle to her handsome groom and to witness their union. A lot of planning has gone into the upcoming weekend and I’m very excited to see it all come together. Our backdrop will be at the beautiful and most impressive Hamilton Place at Pursell Farms and is sure to be a treat for their guests. Melissa and Travis, along with all of their friends, have a big love of dancing, so the night will be filled with it along with some special performances by some key folks. Their ceremony has had a lot of thought and planning as well, and guests will get to join in for the worship music that will be performed by their church music director accompanied by The Auburn Quartet. I think I’m looking forward to this music the most!
I hope you enjoy their engagement photos from Be Light Photography and their Q&A to learn a little more about them. Best wishes Melissa and Travis… it is going to be a beautiful wedding day!
How/where did you meet and what did you do on your first date? Give us all the details. We first met in the Tuskegee National Forest at a bonfire with our friends.
It was what we call a “worship night.” A group of us would go out to the forest, build a fire, play worship music from a Jeep or truck, and spend time worshipping the Lord.
My only thought of Travis that night was that he built a really cool fire. Travis on the other hand was significantly attracted to my passion for the Lord.
Our first date was diverse, to say the least. Travis flew up from Florida to ask my dad if he could take me on a date. After receiving his permission, we drove down to Auburn.
I got ready at “The Lighthouse,” a sweet home where my community of girlfriends lived for our college years. My friend Sydnie did my hair while four of my other friends scrambled around
and helped me pick my outfit and do my makeup. Meanwhile, Travis hunted down one of his old buddies to borrow a nice shirt. He ran by the store to grab some flowers and headed over.
Travis pulled in the parking lot at the house and squeezed into the last spot available. However, when he knocked on the door and peaked in through the window,
he was surprised to see no one there… that was until four or five heads peaked around the corners of doors and walls only to duck back into hiding!
I finally came and answered the door, walked out, and climbed in his truck. We looked over our shoulder to see my girls unashamedly taking photos and giggling as we drove off.
Travis took me to eat a wonderful meal at a nice restaurant in town. We chatted the whole time like best friends. After the meal, we decided to implement some adventure into our first date.
Travis drove us out to the national forest where we first met. We kicked off our nice shoes and danced in the mud under the stars. Call us rednecks, but it was the best first date ever!
Describe your dream date… Anything that involves stars, hiking boots, lots of laughter, or dancing.
Do you have a favorite movie or song? Favorite Song: Just another Day in Paradise… or something by Eric Church or United Pursuit
Favorite Movie: The new Jimanji. We cried laughing.
What guilty pleasure do you share? Shopping for camping gear and getting more than 8 hours of sleep!
Tell me all about the proposal… anything not go as planned or was it completely perfect?
It was perfect!! I was completely surprised. Travis did an amazing job tying in my favorite places, people, and activities.
What do the two of you like to do together when you aren’t working? Backpacking, anything involving the ocean, working out
Anything else fun you want to share about your story?
Being long distance with Travis in the military has been difficult, to say the least. However, I feel so confident in our ability to communicate and our trust
for each other. We value every second we get together and don’t sweat the small, petty things. It truly makes the moments you have together so
much sweeter. The past two years of our long-distance relationship has been a “blessing in disguise,” and distance truly does make the heart grow fonder.
How did you know Travis was the one?
I knew Travis was the one when he visited me in Birmingham as he was driving from a base in California to his current base in Virginia.
I loved Jesus more when he left than when he arrived, and I knew that he was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.