13 Mar Wedding Invitation Ideas – Harry Potter Fans!
In just a little over two weeks, I’ll be jetting off to sunny Tampa, Florida for some much needed R&R with my mom and two sisters. One of our planned days includes a trip over to Orlando to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios. We are all huge fans and cannot wait to check out the park!
About now, I’m guessing you’re wondering what this could possibly have to do with wedding invitations? Well, let me tell you…
If you take your invitations to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, you can have them postmarked from Hogsmeade at the Owl Post.
So, since muggles cannot apparate (at least not that I know of), anyone need their invites sent via Owl Mail? I have to say, it would definitely be a new service for brides added to my repertoire!